Small group and private session (collectively “Sessions”) participants (“Client”) understand that Bashar Communications, Inc. (“BCI”) will create an audio and/or a video recording of the session for archival purposes. Any video recordings will only depict Darryl channeling Bashar, not the client. The client may not record the session if they are being provided with a recording as part of their Session agreement.
It is the policy of BCI that Client’s copies of recordings of sessions made remain private. While it is understood that the client may watch the contents of the recording with family and friends, such content shall not be shared or posted by the client in any form of media on any public forum whatsoever including, but not limited to, YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook or personal websites accessible to the public or forum of any kind at any time, unless the client has requested and received express permission from BCI to do so.
However, BCI shall retain the right to use any and all of Bashar’s information delivered during the session, in any manner, at the company’s sole discretion. In the event BCI does use information taken from the recording of a session, BCI guarantees that it shall use good faith in protecting the client’s right of privacy. Information from a recorded private session may be used in a generalized manner that seeks to protect the client’s identity from the general public. However, the client’s voice may be included in use of the information.
Ownership or possession of any physical DVD, CD, audio file, download, video stream or other recorded format created in a private session, or any other private or public Bashar event, does not constitute copyright ownership, legal ownership or claim of any kind to Bashar’s information or Darryl’s image or voice as may exist in the recording.
Any derivative use by client of Bashar’s information, Darryl’s voice or image, or BCI logos or other ancillary items owned by BCI without express, prior written permission from BCI is strictly prohibited.
Client(s) warrants that they have full legal authority to agree to this policy and acknowledge that the conditions herein are legally binding.
By scheduling and attending a session with Bashar, the client expressly and automatically agrees to fully abide by the terms of this policy.
Updated: January 12, 2024
© 2025 Copyrights by Bashar Communications, Inc.. All Rights Reserved.