Are you looking for information specifically addressing Bashar’s guide to open contact? Below are the prominent channeling sessions which Bashar brought us to help us prepare for the window of open contact.
Use the exercise from “Increasing the Probability of Contact” to train your nervous system not to be startled.
Tell Them Bashar Sent You Bashar takes us to the next step in preparing for first contact.
Breaking News Bashar tells us about various crafts, so we can understand the role they are playing in our process of becoming galactic citizens.
Mirror, Mirror: Reflections Build a stronger bond to our higher minds and create a deeper connection to our own higher selves.
Matters of the Heart This session will give us the momentum and energy to prepare us for the Window of Open Contact!
The Window, The Door & The Gate Bashar provides us with the different stages and levels of preparedness we may want to undertake as we approach open contact.
Becoming a Galactic Citizen – Part 1: The Window New ideas, exercises, and permission slips, to get us started with opening that window
Becoming a Galactic Citizen - Part 2: The Door Intermediate ideas and exercises to promote more active awareness and participation in the energies and experiences that have been going on around us all along.
Becoming a Galactic Citizen - Part 3: The Gate Using the momentum of our building excitement, we will venture beyond the gate, towards new discoveries.
In Two Worlds: The True Nature of Our Reality What we need to know to embrace Bashar's people and accept their gifts, so that we can shift to the reality we most prefer.
Dive in deeper with Bashar's
From the Vault:
Preparing For Contact 101 Bashar discusses integrating the Self in preparation for ET contact. A guided meditation takes you on board a space ship to retrieve a special gift!
Accelerating ET Contact Bashar explains how following your excitement accelerates your potential for ET contact and enhances your ability for inter-dimensional communication.
Check out our upcoming events to continue preparations!
Also, be sure to learn about Bashar’s Basic Principles and The Follow Your Excitement Formula!
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